Breathwork & health
“The essential precondition for the development of cancer is a lack of oxygen at the cellular level.” - Dr. Otto Warburg, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for cancer research in 1931.
“Cancer has only one original cause. It is the replacement of normally oxygenated cellular respiration by anaerobic (i.e. oxygen deficient) cellular respiration. .” -Dr. Harry Goldblatt Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Air and oxygen play an essential role in maintaining health and treating illness.
Unfortunately, connected conscious breathing (Breathwork) is still largely unknown and underestimated by the general public, and is rarely discussed in the media.
Yet health professionals and doctors recognise its extremely positive impact in the healing process for many diseases.
The physical, mental and emotional benefits of Breathwork or connected conscious breathing:
​Physical benefits
Eliminates toxins : Breathwork allows us to release 70% of the toxins present in our body and to have a healthier organism. 20% of our body waste is eliminated through the skin, 7% through urine and 3% through faeces.
Accelerates cell regeneration : Your body will receive 3 to 6 times more oxygen, which will accelerate cell regeneration and the destruction of infected cells.
Improves your body's endurance, strength and energy : Connected conscious breathing is abdominal breathing. It involves drawing on the abdomen to take deep breaths, thereby oxygenating the muscles more effectively. This breathing technique strengthens the respiratory muscles and increases lung capacity.
Don't forget that breathing provides 70% of our energy.
Corrects posture : This approach to breathing corrects not only the position of the rib cage, but also that of the back, shoulders and neck.
Improves digestion: Connected conscious breathing can help improve digestion by stimulating the muscles of the intestine and reducing stress which can aggravate digestive problems.
Increases autonomy and dissolves dependencies and addictions (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, eating disorders...)
Improves sleep quality : Breathwork reduces stress and anxiety, which often disrupt sleep.
The benefits at the mental level
Reducing stress and anxiety and overcoming of negative emotions and depression : Breathwork allows you to disconnect from the world around you while reconnecting with yourself, giving you a feeling of fulfilment and soothing serenity. This is when the work of self-healing and letting go really begins.
Developing self-confidence : The circulation of the flow of breath at the base of our body (in the lower abdomen) and daily practice at home will help us gain self-confidence, free ourselves from the fears and limiting beliefs that clutter our minds, and connect with our inner self.
The emotional benefits
Eliminates emotional blocks buried in the unconscious : Breathwork is a transformative experience that releases strong emotions such as anxiety, anger and grief.
By breathing in places where there is little or no breath and by encouraging relaxation rather than contraction, we gradually help to release emotions that were blocked and stored in the body and to shed the weight of certain traumas.
Increases well-being, joie de vivre and the expression of love: Conscious breathing can improve our emotional state by increasing levels of endorphins and reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
What they said about Breathwork:
"Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? "